Microsoft word 2016 word count of a selected text
Microsoft word 2016 word count of a selected text

Microsoft word 2016 word count of a selected text code#

Version 3.1 - Corrects a code error in the InstaMap process.Version 3.0 - Introduces a compact utility to review and title/tag content controls and a utility to convert formfields to content controls.Content control "ID" is copied to the clipboard by clicking on the "ID" information label. Version 2.6 - Added the ability to skip individual or skip all untitled content controls with InstaMap©.Removed feature to suppress PHT for picture content controls. Version 2.3 - Revised code to better handle documents with an unusually large number of content controls.Version 2.2 - Removes the mapped content control flagging feature and addresses user feedback on the Suppress Placeholder Text feature.I later discovered that feature introduced complications in some of the advanced mapping processes and deleted it. Primarily a feature to "flag" CCs in a document that were mapped. I was working with a large government agency that was looking for some specialized features.

microsoft word 2016 word count of a selected text

Version 1.8 through 2.1 - Were a bit of a wandering period.Version 1.7 - Fixed a code error which prevented the add-in from deleting some content controls when the content control "lock contents" attribute is set.Version 1.6 - Fixed bug which prevented plain text controls with multiple lines of text from being mapped.Version 1.5 - Adds the option to exclude content controls already mapped to a built-in CustomXMLPart (e.g., certain document properties) with using InstaMap©.Version 1.4 - Resolves bug with "QuickPrint" associated with suppressing Placeholder Text.Version 1.3.1 - This version refines handling of the built-in notification dialog if you attempt to insert content controls at a invalid selection.Code changes allow you to create and map contents controls with selected content and improves error handling if you attempt to create a control at a restricted location. Version 1.3 - This version corrects an error that occurred if you tried to create, nest and mapped a rich text content control in another mapped parent rich text control.Version 1.2 - Corrects an error that occurred if users tried to populate a mapped dropdown list or combobox content control using an external Excel list, and adds the ability to map each content control to its own unique node using the InstaMap© feature.

microsoft word 2016 word count of a selected text

  • Version 1.1 - Enables users to suppress printing content control placeholder text and fixed several minor bugs reported by users.
  • Through that feedback I have been able to track down and resolve many issues that I hadn't discovered on my own. With each step it seemed that I would stumble on or uncover a new complication. Working on this project was like solving a riddle and it was by far more ambitious and time consuming of any project before it. If you have an earlier Word version then your actual display when using the add-in will appear differently. Several advanced features of the add-in (e.g., rich text content control mapping) are not available in earlier Word versions. Note: This tips page was created using screen graphics from Word 2013

    microsoft word 2016 word count of a selected text microsoft word 2016 word count of a selected text

    The Content Controls Tools add-in leverages many of the techniques and processes published in earlier pages and brings those processes together with several new features into one compact add-in tool that you can use to empower content controls and simplify working with them in your templates and documents. The purpose of this Microsoft Word Tips & Microsoft Word Help page is to publish and describe my "Content Control Tools" Word template add-in.Ī general description of content controls with links to several related tips pages is available here: Content Controls.

    Microsoft word 2016 word count of a selected text